Is it too early to talk about the holidays? Well, too bad if it is! Because today is the day we begin to prepare. 

Last year’s holiday season was so different. Many of us stayed away from family gatherings and big Christmas parties, but this year we’re warming up to things looking a little (dare we say..) Normal? 

But, as much as the holidays are romanticized, they’re also a breeding ground for the B-Word… 


There are 365 days in a year, and about 365,000 ways to experience burnout, but sometimes it feels like 364,000 of them all converge around the holiday season. 

A few Key Signs of Burnout:

Here are a few key signs of burnout: 

  • forgetfulness and difficulty concentrating
  • diminished pride in your work
  • losing sight of yourself and your goals
  • difficulty maintaining relationships and being present with loved ones
  • frustration and irritability with co-workers
  • unexplained muscle tension, pain, fatigue, and insomnia

And burnout is more than just stress. According to the Harvard Business Review, “Research has also linked burnout to many negative physical and mental health outcomes, including coronary artery disease, hypertension, sleep disturbances, depression, and anxiety, as well as to increased alcohol and drug use. Moreover, burnout has been shown to produce feelings of futility and alienation, undermine the quality of relationships, and diminish long-term career prospects.”

Resources Mentioned:

Harvard Business Review – 4 Steps to Beating Burnout – Burnout Recovery: 11 Strategies to Help You Reset

The Mayo Clinic – Job Burnout: How to spot it and Take Action

Also Discussed:

Specific tactics for Holiday-related burnout

Being a good houseguest