Have you ever worked hard for something you knew was going to pay off, only to be disappointed when that long awaited day finally comes? Maybe you pined for something, some milestone, or even someone. Maybe it was a promotion, a relationship, or even a big event like a vacation or a sporting event. You’ve put time and money and effort into it, only to be left feeling like you strove so hard for something that, maybe, wasn’t worth having. 

Join us as we discuss Paris Syndrome, buyer’s remorse, the Hedonic Treadmill, and what actually makes us happy.

Key points:

  • There’s an actual equation to determine happiness, and much of it is in our control.
  • Most people suffer from buyer’s remorse over purchases large and small.
  • The phenomenon of “Paris Syndrome” is a form of culture shock and disappointment some are said to feel when they visit Paris the first time and find that, despite its  glamorous and gleaming depiction in movies and on Instagram, it can be a very grimy, unwelcoming, and decidedly unromantic city.
  • The Hedonic Treadmill is “the observed tendency of humans to quickly return to a relatively stable level of happiness despite major positive or negative events or life changes. According to this theory, as a person makes more money, expectations and desires rise in tandem, which results in no permanent gain in happiness.”



